>Am in need of assistance in working with a "biting/Chewing"
>baby. Of note: problem has existed since birth, baby
>pushed to breast several times in hospital, mother's' nipples
>bblanched white after feeds, was arching and refusing breast.
>Baby mostely bottle fed, because of painful nipples.
>Looking for suggestions to calm baby, relax baby, reduce bite.

Anne...how about these for suggestions:

1. have mom get into warm tub with baby . Warm compress on nipples in
tub,..then let baby crawl up and nurse on mother.

2. Warm compresses at other times to avoid blanching, etc of nipples.

3. Doesn't LLL BFAB suggest that with a baby who is chewing/biting, that the
mother put warm and cool cloths on baby's face to relax that bite , ...I
might also have mother rub around lips before latching..modeling an open
mouth to encourage baby to mimic open mouth. WIDE**

Please check LLLI Breastfeeding Answer BOok for suggestions/clarification of
ideas for bite.



Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC (email = [log in to unmask])
"Personally I am always ready to learn, although I do not always
like being taught."    Winston Churchill