MHS:   Source date is:     13-Jun-95 14:39:00 -0300 EDT

======== Original Message ========
Hi, Lactnetters! I'm one of the ones who's been posting "are you going to
Chicago?" posts over the last few months. I have a short list (somewhere : )
of folks going, and will be happy to keep the list as it grows. I'm not
going to
the Physician's conf, only the main LLL conf and the International
Symposium afterwards.

Let's get together!

Melissa Vickers, IBCLC
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======== Fwd by: Judy Canahuat ========
I'll be in Chicago and then on to Scottsdale.  Mainly I'll be involved in
Track 1 and Track 2 in Chicago.

Judy Canahuati
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