Kathleen B:  I finally dug up the reference about the hospital with the
informed consents, etc.  It was a publication by (of all things!)
Carnation, called Conference Highlights, from "Advances in Perinatal and
Pediatric Nutrition", Stanford University, July 26-28, 1993.  The
article, entitled "A model Breastfeeding Program Boasts Low Budget and
Few Classes", describes a 12-year program at the Hospital ISSSTECALIUABC
(this is verbatim!) in Tijuana, Mexico, inaugurated by Elizabeth G.
Jones, Ed D, MPH,RD.  I'll paraphrase and summarize the main points.  The
program includes hospital staff at all levels breastfeeding on the job;
pictures of these employees breastfeeding displayed in the OB clinic;
adherence to the "10 Steps"; skin-to-skin contact for preemies; informed
consents for mothers who prefer to bottle feed.  Dr. Jones' address is
not provided, but I believe she is the same one who published the article
demonstrating decreased absence from day care and improved maternal work
productivity with breastfeeding (Jones EG, Matheny RJ.  Relationship
between infant feeding and exclusion rate from child care because of
illness.  Journal of the American kietetic Association 1993, Vol. 93,
pp809-11).  They do state that she is professor in the Pediatric
Residency Program at the hospital in Tijuana and a guest lecturer at San
Diego State University, if that helps. Alicia.  [log in to unmask]