Ozark-l is a server for people with specialized research interests in the
Ozark Highland of southern Missouri, northern Arkansas, and adjacent
areas.  It is intended to create a forum for discussion and information
exchange on studies of the modern and Quaternary biota as well as
geological, archaeological, geographical, and historical studies of this
geographic region.  It is established to foster communication and exchange
among disciplines by describing research programs and results, new
discoveries, publications, limited edition reports, and other news of
scientific or historical interest.
To sign on to ozark-l, send a message to [log in to unmask]
with the single line:
subscribe ozark-l
Your name is not necessary.
Ozark-l is maintained by the Illinois State Museum; it was initiated by
R. Bruce McMillan in June 1995.
Erich Schroeder                  Phone: (217)785-5996
Research Associate               FAX:   (217)785-2857
Illinois State Museum GIS Lab    Internet: [log in to unmask]