To the Cultural Resources Community
For those of you who have not received SAA's most recent faxes, the following
list presents the members of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees,
as promised.  These were downloaded from ACRA's internal network and are
presented here as a public service.  (Of course this information is available
somewhere on the Net, as well.)  If your representative or senator is on this
list, please contact him/her and voice your concerns about the Advisory
Council and the National Historic Preservation Act as per our last memo of
Wednesday, June 7.
At a meeting of the Advisory Council, ACRA, SAA, SHA and NPS yesterday in
Washington DC to discuss the new Section 106 draft regulations, the Advisory
Council (which is not on the Net yet) passed out a brief self description.
 We are currently typing this up so that we can get this information out on
the Net for them.  We hope to have it out by early next week.
As usual, I apologize for duplicate/cross postings.
Tom Wheaton
Executive Director - ACRA
Senate Committee on Appropriations
Room SD-136
Dirksen Senate Office Building (202) 224-3471
Majority (Republicans)
Mark O. Hatfield, OR, Chairman
Ted Stevens, AK
Thad Cochran, MS
Arlen Specter, PA
Pete Domenici, NM
Phil Gramm, TX
Christopher Bond, MO
Slade Gorton, WA
Mitch McConnell, KY
Connie Mack, FL
Conrad Burns, MT
Richard C. Shelby, AL
James M. Jeffords, VT
Judd Gregg, NH
Robert Bennett, UT  Minority (Democrats):
Robert C. Byrd, WV, Ranking minority member
Daniel Inouye, HI
Ernest Hollings, SC
J. Bennett Johnston, LA
Patrick Leahy, VT
David Pryor, AR
Dale Bumpers, AR
Frank Lautenberg, NJ
Tom Harkin, IA
Barbara A. Mikulski, MD
Harry Reid, NV
Bob Kerrey, NE
Herb Kohl, WI
Patty Murray, WA
Diane Feinstein, CA
Room 127, Dirksen Building
(202) 224-7262
Majority (Republicans):
Slade Gorton, Chair
Ted Stevens
Thad Cochran
Pete V. Domenici
Mark O. Hatfield
Conrad Burns
Robert Bennett
Connie Mack
Majority Staff: Cherie Cooper
202 224-7262
Minority (Democrats):
Robert C. Byrd, Ranking Member
J. Bennett Johnston
Patrick J. Leahy
Dale Bumpers
Ernest F. Hollings
Hary Reid
Patty Murray
Minority Staff: Sue Masica
202 224-5271
Room H-218 Capitol Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-2771
Livingston, Bob  (R-LA) - Chairman
McDade, Joseph M.  (R-PA)
Myers, John T. (R-IN)
Young, C. W. (R-FL)
Regula, Ralph (R-OH)
Lewis, Jerry (R-CA)
Porter, John E. (R-IL)
Rogers, Harold (R-KY)
Skeen, Joseph (R-NM)
Wolf, Frank R. (R-VA)
DeLay, Thomas (R-TX)
Kolbe, James T. (R-AZ)
Vucanovich, Barbara (R-NV)
Lightfoot, James R. (R-IA)
Packard, Ronald (R-CA)
Callahan, Sonny (R-AL)
Walsh, James T. (R-NY)
Taylor, Charles Hart (R-NC)
Hobson, David L. (R-OH)
Istook, Ernest Jim (R-OK)
Bonilla, Henry (R-TX)
Knollenberg, Joe (R-MI)
Miller, Dan (R-FL)
Dickey, Jay (R-AR)
Kingston, Jack (R-GA)
Riggs, Frank (R-CA)
Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ)
Wicker, Roger (R-MS)
Forbes, Michael (R-NY)
Nethercutt, George (R-WA)
Jim Bunn (R-OR)
Neumann, Mark (R-WI)
Obey, David R. (D-WI) - Ranking Minority Member
Yates, Sidney R. (D-IL)
Stokes, Louis (D-OH)
Bevill, Thomas (D-AL)
Murtha, John P. (D-PA)
Wilson, Charles (D-TX)
Dicks, Norman D. (D-WA)
Sabo, Martin O.  (D-MN)
Dixon, Julian C. (D-CA)
Fazio, Vic (D-CA)
Hefner, W. G. (D-NC)
Hoyer, Steny H. (D-MD)
Durbin, Richard J. (D-IL)
Coleman, Ronald D. (D-TX)
Mollohan, Alan B. (D-WV)
Chapman, Jim (D-TX)
Kaptur, Marcy (D-OH)
Skaggs, David E. (D-CO)
Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA)
Visclosky, Peter J. (D-IN)
Foglietta, Thomas M. (D-PA)
Torres, Esteban E.  (D-CA)
Lowey, Nita M. (D-NY)
Thornton, Raymond (D-AR)
202 225-3081
Majority (Republicans):
Ralph Regula, Chair
Joseph McDade
Jim Kolbe
Joe Skeen
Barbara Vucanovich
Charles Taylor
George Nethercutt
Jim Bunn
Majority Staff: Deborah Weatherly
Minority (Democrats):
Sidney Yates, Ranking Member
Norman Dicks
Tom Bevill
David Skaggs
Minority Staff: Del Davis
202 225-3481