I am fairly new to bee keeping and I have some questions on propolis.
    On a trip to Brazil a few years ago my wife had a cough and she was
    give a stuff call Extract of Propolis.  It worked very well for her and
    eliminated the cough.  I have not seen any of this stuff in the US.
    Being I have two hives I would like to learn a little more about
    propolis and how to harvest it.
    I understand that it is a plant resin modified by bees and used like a
    glue.  Where in the hive would you find propolis and how do you
    identify it as being propolis.  In what quanities could you expect to
    find it in the hive.  Are there ways of incouraging bees to produce
    more of it.
    I noticed a posting earlier asking how to distill it and I am
    interested in seeing the responses.
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Jeff Boyle
    Greenville, SC
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