On Mon, 26 Jun 1995, Marion L.Bristow wrote:
>    It's winter time down here , so are bee activity is at a minimum ,
> however , yesterday while check a few on my hives , I noticed some wasp
> activity . Generally , they where trying to go in through the hive mouth
> and where being booted out shortly after entry .
>    What was so distressing for me is that these THINGS where flying in the
> rain and cold like some all wheather attack aircraft .
>    I have some traps built up for use this comeing spring and I plan
> initally use horse meat as a bait , but I'd like to find a more reliable
> (and durrable ) bait . Dose anybody have an idea of what I could use that
> would be a better bait .
> Marion L.Bristow - Director Seccion Informatica
> Direcion del Campus Chillan
> Universidad de Concepcion
> Casilla 537
> Chillan , Chile
> e-mail: [log in to unmask]
In the spring there will only be queens, which will probably not go to
the traps.
David De Jong