     I am looking for a source of Galleria and thought it wise to contact
     the users of Bee-L since the waxworm is a pest of the honey bee.  The
     usual route, bait stores, has turned up nothing...it seems that the
     stores I have contacted have had their colonies decimated by virus.  I
     have since been told that the waxworm business is a cutthroat one and
     that maybe this is the work of a very devious individual(s) looking to
     reduce their competition.
     Anyway, I was hoping some kind researcher out there would know of
     someone working with Galleria and would be able to spare some eggs
     and/or some late instar larvae.
     Thanks for any assistance!
     Please contact Kathy McBride
     American Cyanamid Co.
     609 799 0400 x2871
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