My life changed forever yesterday when there were so many e-mails in my
mailbox that they took 20 minutes to read !! And all on my favorite subject.
I'm thrilled 'to discover Lactnet.     I'm an IBCLC since 1986 in private
practice in Manhasset, New York. I also work 21 hours a week as a social
worker in the outpatient substance abuse clinic at Long Island Jewish Medical
Center. Before I came to live in New York in 1977, I was Executive Editor on
the Board of the Nursing Mothers Association of Australia and have maintained
strong ties with friends in that organization. I was an active La Leche
League Leader from 1979 to 1989. I have five breastfed children. My hobbies
include travel, gardening, reading and using my Macintosh computer. I marvel
daily at the technology of the 21st century and look forward to communicating
with you all through Lactnet. My private e-mail address via AOL is