This is an appeal to those of you with references at your
fingertips: I work as an English secretary-medical editor in an
active cardiology division. My boss is very research-oriented,
is a full professor of cardiology, and chairman of the med
school's MD thesis committee. I would like to interest him in
supporting research, possibly by a med student or whatever, in
linking bfing with future protection against cardiac disease. I
remember reading of two studies, both pretty old: one was in
1963 I believe, in England, and involved posting adolescents who
died from trauma and looking at degree of occlusion of coronary
arteries, found that those who had been breastfed as infants had
significantly less occlusion than those bottlefed. The other was
done in Boston or Cambridge, late 60s or 70s, and had something
to do with adult cholesterol level and whether or not breastfed
(breastfed had lower levels).
I have read ABOUT these studies but could not get the studies
themselves. Can anyone get them and fax them to me? That's no.
No. 2 is, does anyone know of any more recent relevant studies
linking bfing and cardiac disease protection? If I can intrigue
him sufficiently, there is a good chance of some interesting
research being done. Thanks, one and all. Judy Knopf