As I have mentioned previously, in my practice as a private LC, I see and hear
from many mothers who have received poor and incorrect advice on breastfeeding.
 It sometimes feels overwhelming :(.  It has been difficult to know just how to
do something about it that would make a difference.  We have a mailing list of
about 300 OB's and peds and decided that we need to let them know what's what
with this profession.  IBLCE has sent us their brochures about who they are and
what they do.  These brochures also explain about what is a IBCLC.  We have
made a draft of a letter, that is being sent to IBLCE for their approval.  When
we receive their approval, we will send out the letter and the brochure to our
mailing list.  I'd like to share the draft of the letter with all of you:

Dear Dr.
The term "breast is best" is axiomatic to the finest nutrition available to an
infant.  The problem is how to encourage and support breastfeeding mothers.
Over the years there has developed the profession of lactation consultant.
Although relatively new, this group of professionals has been instrumental in
fostering breastfeeding.  In California as in many states lactation consultants
are not required to be licensed.  Therefore anyone, with or without education
and/or experience may hold them selves out to be a professional.  In answer to
this and to the problem of standardizing education and experience the
International Board of Lactation Examiners (IBLCE) was formed to formally set
standards and examine individuals in the area of lactation consulting.  This
organization issues to those meeting its requirement the International Board
Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).  This designation is your assurance
that the lactation consultant that you might refer to is properly trained and
continues to keep up by continuing education.

I have enclosed for your review a publication issued by the IBCLE describing
themselves, their aims and standards.  You are invited to contact them or me
personally with any questions regarding the IBCLC designation.  Please be sure
that you refer to an IBCLC designated consutant.
Yours truly,
Yaffa Stark, MA, IBCLC

        Yaffa Stark, MA, IBCLC    Los Angeles, Calif., USA
        "We must identify and reduce barriers which keep women
       from beginning or continuing to breastfeed their infants."
       C. Everett Koop, M.D., ScD. Former Surgeon General