In response to Judy Knopf and my knowledge of cultural taboos to breastfeeding
while pregnant - I would assume she meant that since I am an Orthodox Jew I
might know more on the subject.  As far as I am aware there are none.  I do see
lots of bfing Orthodox women and, as I believe I once mentioned in another
post, most breastfeed for quite a while.  Strictly Orthodox families do not
practice birth control, so often use bfing as a way to space children.  I have
seen some - not a lot - of breastfeeding while pregnant among this population.
My theory is that once they become pregnant again and with a large family of,
usually, young children to care for, pregnant bfing becomes a bit much to
handle.  If I am asked, I certainly tell them that they can go ahead.  I have
one mom, who interestingly enough is not Orthodox, but is Israeli.  She became
pregnant while bfing - her doc told her to wean immediately - her mother told
her she would poisen the fetus - but she called me and followed my advice.
Near the end of her 2nd pregnancy she felt that she needed to wean, which she
did and she now has 2 lovely, healthy children.

        Yaffa Stark, MA, IBCLC    Los Angeles, Calif., USA
        "We must identify and reduce barriers which keep women
       from beginning or continuing to breastfeed their infants."
       C. Everett Koop, M.D., ScD. Former Surgeon General