Hi Judy:

Well, here I go again! I am going to semi-disagree, which means I semi-agree

I think I would have quite an emotional reaction to discovering that I am
diabetic or upon beginning to cope with an ostomy. I also think it would have
psycho-sexual connotations just as breastfeeding/lactation does. It would be
lovely to have a nurse or physician who had experienced (or were
experiencing) diabetes or an ostomy. I am sure those health professionals
(HPs) with personal experience would be more empathetic to the psychosocial
aspects of my situation--some of which might be very helpful and some of
which might not.

Most HPs on those units do not have personal experience and it isn't expected
yet most do a credible job. The HPs refer these clients to support groups for
the kind of empathy only personal experience brings. That is why ostomy and
breastfeeding mothers support groups exist.

As long as HPs abdicate responsibility for breastfeeding/lactation support to
only those HPs who have personal experience, we will continue to see varying
anecdotal and/or attitudinal care given to clients vs. consistent
research-based care.

I'm jumping downfrom the soapbox again.
