Thanks to Katherine Dettwyler for sharing her beautiful and
revealing personal story about colostrum and color changes to
mature milk. It is all so poetically LOGICAL, as is so much about
human lactation. Ironic, though, that I spend much time
convincing moms in MY culture that their apparently weak-looking
milk, read mature milk, is "nutritious". Mom after mom anxiously
claims that her milk is "not rich". If wt. gain is OK, I ask her
what makes her think this, and she inevitably comments on the
color of her breastmilk. The formula propaganda really has women
hypnotized. The ones claiming to be "humanized" (I beg your
pardon? I LOVE that one!) or "most like human milk" have duped
women into believing that something's wrong with THEIR milk when
it doesn't look like, taste like, quack like formula milk. This
infuriates me. Can't we do something? I know about the great
lobbying that you guys in the States and a few other places do,
but Israel gets most of her imports from Europe. Could Ted
Greiner offer some advice? Thanks and regards, Judy Knopf