I had a call today that distessed me and I know that it is not an uncommon
situation for us to experience but I also don't know what we can do to change
the situation.
   mother called., baby is 13 days old. he was born 2 weeks early at 6 # .5
ounce. the "lactation consultant" in the hopital told her that due to his
being early and small he would most likley not be able to coordinate
suck/swallow and breathing. therfore, she was sent home with an elecric pump
a single kit and told to pump and bottle feed for the until he was older and
bigger....during these thirteen days she saw the " LC" three times and was
admonished about three different bottles types that would be the best for the
situation. she called me because she was getting less and less with each
pumping and had also been told that on day 14 he would have a growth spurt
and want to eat continuously.