To Judy Knopf,


>No hard and fast rules, are there? I myself would definitely
>prefer an LC with bf experience (and a midwife who has given
>birth and, yes, a surgeon who has been under the knife). But

I have learned some of my most valuable skills in correct positioning of
babies at breast from Chloe Fisher.  Her, et al book, BESTFEEDING is
fantastic and I recommend that all my clients beg, borrow, or buy it!

If I needed breastfeeding help, Chloe would be my first choice, and  She
has not breastfed.  Neither, I believe, has Dr. Jack Newman, or from long
times ago, Dr. Gregory Smith.  A lot of breastfeeding Moms have found
these people preety helpful and empathetic!

******Joan M. Fisher, RN, BN, MEd, IBCLC******
***********Ottawa, Ontario, Canada************
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