>Dear Kathleen,
       Kathleen, Kathleen, and Kathy!  Must have been the generation, huh?
At one time there were three LLL leaders in this community named Kathy/Cathy.
       Please tell me more about the conference you attended--what
conference was it, and who is Dr. Jack Newman, and what did he have to say
about this subject?  I am still working on my "Breastfeeding in Evolutionary
Perspective" paper/presentation, and want to include various approaches and
thoughts.  Can you put me in touch with Dr. Newman?  Several people have
written for general audiences about this (Joseph Pearce in his "Evolution's
End" and Jean Liedloff in "The Continuum Concept" but both of these books
include a lot of other odd stuff that tends to make readers dismiss the
interesting/valid points they make.  Another one is new on the market, by a
renegade anthropologist named Elaine Morgan.  I haven't seen it yet, but it
supposedly about the evolution of childhood.  The problem with Elaine
Morgan's work is that her basic premise is that humans went through an
aquatic stage on the way to becoming bipedal, and there is little/no
evidence of that in the fossil or archaeological record.  So, again, many
people dismiss all of her ideas.  Anyway, I'll try to be a good list member,
and look forward to hearing more about Dr. Newman.  Thanks!
Katherine A. Dettwyler                                email:
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Anthropology Department                               phone: (409) 845-5256
Texas A&M University                                    fax: (409) 845-4070
College Station, TX  77843-4352