Hi all-on this subject, I had a mom who did not really have a breast anomaly,
but rather a poor surgical outcome. She had had bilateral breast implants,
and her right breast had apparently had some scar tissue formation. It caused
her discomfort even when not lactating. It was tender at all times. When she
began to breastfeed, the R side was very painful for her. She consulted with
me, and we tried some positioning, etc., but to no avail. She nursed without
problem on the left, but began to dread each feeding because of the pain on
R. I finally told her it was ok to just feed on one side. After she got
"permission" to do that, she was fine. She dealt with the discomfort for a
while, then decided to just nurse on the L only. She went on to do well.
Sometimes permission is all a client needs, too.

Denise Mollenkopf, RNC, IBCLC
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