Arly-I had an experience with a set of parents of a slow-to-gain baby.  At 2
1/2 weeks, the baby was still not gaining at a fair rate. Mom was not feeding
often enough. The MD recommended some PC formula supplementing, and sent her
to me.  I saw her twice, and neither of the parents appeared willing to do
what either the MD or I said.   I spoke with the MD (he's  a supporter), and
we both tried to explain the rationale to these parents, but they just didn't
take it in.
I worked hard with her, and ultimately the baby still didn't gain well, and
she blamed it on breastmilk, and formula fed! The MD and I just threw in the
towel on this one. Can't win them all.  The parents WERE non-compliant.    :

Denise Mollenkopf, RNC, IBCLC
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