As a response about the areolar edema, it makes total sense to me that a
woman can get areolar edema from lots of fluid...I have seen ( and given)
too much fluid administered to young women, and they usually don't display
pitting edema... often they will show vulvar edema, puffy hands, puffy,
nonpitting legs.  It would be interesting to ask these women if they feel
bloated or swollen...although peripartum women can absorb lots of fluid and
they may not notice it because they already feel so big. But also,
epidurals do have a side effect of 3rd spacing fluid, due to vascular
relaxation, and it would make sense that some of that fluid would go to the
breasts, as they are organs made up of lots of extra-vascular space,
already predisposed to becoming fluid-overloaded (ie postpartum
engorgement). I think your observation is an excellent one, and perhaps
should be studied.

                                                Anne Eglash, MD