Hi Sharon!  Welcome aboard.  Good to have someone from around the corner to
chat with.....


If the moms in Israel are having babies circed at 8 days, by that time I
would think that bf would be off to a good start.  I think my concern (among
others) is that babies here are being circed between 12 and 24 hours of age -
most of them haven't established a good feeding pattern yet, and this simply
delays it more.  I don't remember seeing this much of a problem when the moms
were staying three days and baby was circed the day before discharge. It
seems that there was time to establish a good feeding pattern which the baby
already associated with comfort before the pain was inflicted upon them, and
then they were able to regroup an go back to it easier than these babies who
have not established anything and then are circed.

There is a good article in this months Pediatrics about dorsal penile nerve
block for circumcisions.  Really emphasises that babies DO feel pain!!

Jan Barger