Fiona-"if it ain't broke....don't fix it" is what I thought of for your mom
with the small babe and weight gain that didn't satisfy her nurse. If baby's
output was good, and nursing well, the 4-6 oz. gain was not great, but
probably adequate.  Interestingly, one of the discussions I am now watching
on a net for NICU professionals is one on "demand" (read request ; ) feeding
of premies, rather than the forced q3h feeds that we are all used to. Some
brave souls in the NICU did a study of about 100 kids, and only 7 or 8 failed
to gain well and do well with the demand protocol. Surprising? Not to some of
us. Many MDs and nurses are reluctant (read insecure) to try this with a
growing premie, when weight gain is so important, but I believe it will gain
growing acceptance. It is hard for me as a neonatal nurse to do some things
just on "trust", even tho I do such things as an LC!

Denise Mollenkopf, RNC, IBCLC
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