Interesting cabalistic lore re:circumcisions.  The cabala/kabalah was a later
development than the torah or bible.  The original bris was a cut around the
loose tip of the foreskin, not removal of the entire thing.  So the
information your friend quotes seems to be relatively recent.  I had never
heard the connection of the foreskin to original sin, nor would such an idea
be compatible with the original circumcision.  The removal of the entire
foreskin was originated so that Jews could not stretch their foreskins to
appear uncircumcised.
        I'm glad you use a block.  Here in NYC there is no anesthesia or
anagesia used.  How did you feel about the study published in Obstetrics last
year, finding no benefit from acetaminophen for post-circ pain?  Do you agree?
Catherine Watson Genna, IBCLC