A recent mother-baby pair taught me a valuable lesson. She called
reporting sore nipples "out of the blue", baby 6 mos. she had had
mastitis at 5 mos. treated with 2 antibiotics, deep pain, cracks,
burning, etc.  Of course it was yeast. I suggested a trip to
her OB...she insisted on seeing me. Then I observed the nursing.
POOR position, closed mouth, pinched nipple, wiggly baby, etc.
Taught hher basic positioning, the mouth open, etc. In 24 hrs
there was marked relief. Spoke with Kay Hoover who said that
she too has seen pinched nipples which give the symptoms of
yeast, particularly burning pain. Lesson: Watch the nursing
Anne Andrianos, MSN, IBCLC
4340 Young Road, Syracuse, NY 13215
(315) 492-6437
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