>The discussion going back and forth about this issue has been interesting.
> Seems to be a difference in opinion dependent upon where different LC's were
>trained perhaps?
>However, there could be some variation of palates by region by the simple
>fact that certain nationalities have different typical characteristics.  Just
>look at the face and head shape of different people, the palate size and
>shape follows the same pattern.
>Denise, I agree, that cultural differences can affect palates. I have had 3
kids who have had bubble /channel type palates, and there fore I have had
some experience in this dept. I also see it, not infrequently, here in
Vermont. I do agree that differences may exist in our perceptions due to our
experience, and since we all come to our LC work with our own "filters" , we
might notice different things,  I love the fact that different people notice
different things, and report back on them. All these things can help us help
babies and mothers.

I look for differences in palates....and have seen mighty sore nipples when
a baby has a deep one.  I do see that we all keep learning as we  go...don't
you? : )



Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC (email = [log in to unmask])
"All truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is
violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident." Schoepenhouer