I carry only the Lactina and my mothers have been very happy with it. I tell
my mothers of preemies to use the Lactina at home and when they are at the
hospital to use the Classic which is available to them free of charge. Not
all NICU's may have this service but it helps and my moms are maintaining
their milk supply.

I had a mother w/ nipple confusion in an 11day old baby. Mom had been manual
pumping and feeding by bottle since disch due to infant refusal.Sleepiness
and jaundice were also in the history. In this area infants are still given
sugar water to test suck/swallow and after feeds. Mom has large breasts &
flat nipples which are inverted in the center. I showed her nipple rolling,
Marmet technique and after working w/ the baby ( who fought the breast !!)
she latched on and nursed x 45 min. What else will work on this type of
nipple problem ? Does it eventually protrude completely? Thanks