On Thu, 18 May 1995 05:17:34 -0600
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper <[log in to unmask]  or  [log in to unmask]> asked ...
> We always (when we remember) put JZBZ cell protectors on queen cells as
> soon as they are capped.  It saves a lot of grief -- ie. splits made, nucs
> ready, or whatever, and then you go to get the cells to find them destroyed
> due to a stray queen at the last minute.
> I never hear this practice recomended.  Why?
Bonjour Allen !
I don't know how are this JZBZ protectors.  In Belgium we generally have
the two "NICOT" queen cells protectors
1. Only a plain polypropylene tube to put the mature queen cell in.
   We use it the last days (10-11 after the picking).
2. A larger PP tube with different sized holes we use when we put the
   cells in incubator.  This may be use in the hives (or nucs) but
   a/ if you don't open the bee ports : the cell temperature is not quite OK
      because a lack of bees on the cell.
   b/ if you open the bee ports : a laying worker may destroy the cell ...
Your opinion ?
Jean-Marie <[log in to unmask]>