In reply to Dan Mouer, Come on Dan, lighten up on poor Caleb. Had I stayed
at Arkansas I would have been on his committee and, yes, he has looked at
much of the info and questions you pose. I believe Skip IS on his committee
(or at least has been consulted as has G. Sabo). The GIS work is in
addition to the more traditional archaeological work that the Arkansas
Archeological Survey has been conducting on farmsteads for the last 30
years and an approach that should start to answer some of the bigger
questions relating to settlement patterns by allowing the researcher to
examine relationships that would have taken too long to even think about
before. I don't mean to speak for Caleb, but he's a student. Let's wait
until he's in the profession to kick him around
Charles R Ewen Associate Professor
East Carolina University
Brewster A-209 Greenville, NC 27858 (919) 328-6146
Bitnet: ANEWEN@ECUVM1 Internet: [log in to unmask]