I N T E R O F F I C E   M E M O R A N D U M
                                        Date:     17-May-1995 08:51am EST
                                        From:     Thomas Langhorne
                                        Tel No:   607-777-2332
TO:  Remote RSCS/NJE Network User         ( _JNET%HISTARCH@ASUACAD )
Subject: Tangential, but thought provoking
         I received this from another list, but decided to post it here for
    the membership.  I know some of us (well, maybe archaeologists in
    general, not so much histarch's) have begun to work in the former
    soviet union.
                                Tom Langhorne
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 13 May 95 12:37:29 EWT
From: krshnbtt <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: URGENT: Russian Institute of Ethnology (fwd)
Please disseminate the following letter of protest
concerning the harboring of pseudo-scientific neo-Nazis in the Russian
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology.
        An Open Letter from Russian Anthropologists to Their Colleagues Abroad
                                           Moscow, April 14, 1995
        Dear Colleagues:
        We find it urgent to share with the world community of social
        scientists our anxiety and indignation about some dangerous
        trends in Russian anthropology.
        Recent years have seen the emergence in Russia of various organ-
        ized political groupings of Neo-Nazi, White-supremacist, and/or
        extreme right-wing nationalistic orientation.  One such group in
        the city of St. Petersburg is called "Venedian Union." It is a
        Neo-Paganist and extremely racist organization established and
        led by Viktor Bezverkhy, a former Professor of Marxism in one of
        the city colleges.  In 1991 he was indicted for republishing and
        disseminating Hitler's Mein Kampf with "biased" commentaries.
        Investigation revealed that Bezverkhy was a leader of a racist
        group, that he and his friends wrote an oath with their own blood
        to fight the Jews as "the worst enemies of mankind" and to oppose
        Christianity as a form of  "international Jewish conspiracy
        against humanity."  In 1991, however, Bezverkhy was acquitted
        since he claimed in court that he had republished "Mein Kampf"
        seeking only commercial profit.
        In 1994, St. Petersburg Prosecutor's Office again indicted Bez-
        verkhy for "inciting ethnic and racial hatred," this time in his
        own writings.  One of these is titled "Anthropology" (1992), the
        other "The Volkhvs [Ancient Slavic pagan priests] - Philosophy of
        History" (1993).  Both books quite explicitly illustrate the
        level of racial intolerance, vicious anti-Semitism, and open
        bigotry professed by the author.  Permit us to provide but a few
             -"The course of history during many centuries has demon-
        strated that black-white bastards (i.e. Kikes, gypsies, Mulattos,
        and Quadroons) are absolutely needless in a socially organized
        society (i.e. among representatives of the species Homo) since
        they are completely incapable of being socially honest and have a
        low level of natural morality and thus are unable to become
        citizens of the Society" (Anthropology, p. 36).
             -"The emergence of the Theory of Evolution in the 19th cen-
        tury highlighted the proper role of Kikes as human slag (i.e.
        waste)" (Anthropology, p.4).
             -"Cultures created by White people are assimilated by the
        Yellow people, degraded by the Black people and destroyed by
        bastards" (Volkhvs, p.3).
             -"In the 1930's the Germans could unmistakably determine who
        is a Kike.  This experience is worth study" (Anthropology, p.
        In processing the case, the Prosecutor's Office requested the
        expert opinion of the most authoritative anthropological research
        body in Russia, the Moscow-based Institute of Ethnology and
        Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (the former
        Institute of Ethnography). The Institute duly supplied a 15-page
        expert opinion of Bezverkhy's writings and a few other similarly
        publications, produced by Professor Viktor I. Kozlov and Senior
        Researcher, Dr. Nadezhda Lebedeva, who were commissioned for this
        by the Director of the Institute.
        The Prosecutor's Office had asked whether Bezverkhy's writings
        contained statements aimed, explicitly or implicitly, at inciting
        ethnic or racial hostility or hatred, insulted and humiliated
        "national honor and dignity," was propaganda of superiority or
        inferiority of certain peoples or restricted civil rights on
        ethnic or racial grounds.  The experts response to all these
        conditions was unequivocally negative , and was accompanied with
        a short remark worthy of mention:
             "In the Journal no.3(6), 1992, p. 36 [see, the first quota-
        tion from Bezverkhy's "Anthropology"]  we found a negative state-
        ment about  the Gypsies.  But  we don't precisely know what the
        meaning of Gypsies' "national honor and dignity" is.
        As such, the experts found nothing offensive when people are
        publicly named "black-white bastards" or Kikes or when they are
        declared "needless" in society or incapable of becoming citizens
        due to their low level of morality.  In fact, some of the phrases
        of experts opinion are hardly distinguishable from Bezverkhy's
        own language:
             -"As for the term "human slag" (waste), it is indeed rude
        and groundless.  But shouldn't the Judiasts who elevate them-
        selves over the "goyim", as over "second sort people," be psy-
        chologically aware that they will be humiliated in response".
        They also hasten to add that ". . . As is widely known, Jews-
        Judiasts and Gypsies do indeed communicate within their own
        communities differently from the way they treat outsiders."
        Following the expert opinion submitted by the respectable Insti-
        tute of Ethnology the court again acquitted Bezverkhy in early
        1995.  This acquittal and the Institute's role was brought to
        public attention by several Russian newspapers (e.g. "Izvestiia"
        1995 n.11; "Moskovskie Novosti" 1995, n.5, etc.) and nongovern-
        mental organizations.  A group of scholars sent a letter to the
        President of the Russian Academy of Sciences stating "...never
        has Russian science been so humiliated--neither during the
        "Beylis case" [a notorious blood-libel case in Kiev in 1913], nor
        during Stalin's campaign against "rootless cosmopolitans." On
        January 25, 1995 the City Prosecutor of St. Petersburg appealed
        the lower court's decision.
        Regrettably, the reaction of the Institute of Ethnology and
        Anthropology was quite different.  The Institute's leadership did
        its best to avoid any public discussion of the expert opinion
        submitted by two of it members.  In a short letter published in
        the newspaper "Izvestia" (of February 22, 1995), the Institute's
        Director, Dr. Valerii Tishkov simply referred to this opinion as
        a "personal view of certain scholars", without expressing any of
        his own or his staff's attitude towards it.  In fact, the majori-
        ty of the Institute staff implicitly or quite explicitly approved
        the experts' position by compiling letters of support to Viktor
        Kozlov and by re-electing him with an overwhelming majority of
        votes to the Institute's Academic Board.  That happened on Janu-
        ary 24, 1995, i.e. after the acquittal of Bezverkhy and despite
        the highly negative publicity of the Institute's role in the
        case.  When a few people tried to raise the issue of Kozlov's
        activities in condoning the Russian neo-Nazis and hate-groups,
        they were silenced by other fellow colleagues, outvoted, and
        In March 1995, there was another trial in Moscow.  Another Rus-
        sian Fascist was indicted for publishing and disseminating "Cate-
        chism of the Soviet Jews", "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and
        similar anti-Semitic and racist forgeries.  Not surprisingly, the
        court again relied upon a "well-known expert" in such cases,
        Professor Viktor Kozlov from the Institute of Ethnology who again
        proved the "chauvinistic" nature of Judaism, and clannishness of
        the Gypsies. . .
        That is why with much pain and bitterness we have decided to send
        this letter informing our colleagues anthropologists about our
        current disgrace and shame.  We believe that indifference and
        connivance expressed by the Russian community of anthropologists
        towards racial hatred and ethnic bigotry has gradually trans-
        formed its main academic body, the Institute of Ethnology into an
        established defender of Russian neo-Nazis.  We hope that joint
        effort in condemning the Institute's position may save the one of
        Russian Anthropology and will help us to throw racism, xenopho-
        bia, and anti-Semitism out of our academic grounds and our pro-
        fessional life.
        M. Chlenov
        A. Borodatova
        A. Pershitz
        I. Kozhanovskaya
        A. Kozhanovsky
        N. Kulakova
        V. Stelmakh
        L. Shainbaum
        K. Tertitzky
        L. Ferepyolkin
        O. Artyomova
        Please send your letters of concern to:
        Dr. Valerii Tishkov
        Director, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology
        32A Leninskiy Prospect
        Moscow 117334 RUSSIA
        Fax 7-095-938-0600
        Prof. Sergei Arutyunov
        President, Association of Russian Ethnologists and Anthropologists
        32A Leninskiy Prospect
        Moscow 117334 RUSSIA
        Fax 7-095-938-0600
Jack Kugelmass,
Department of Anthropology
University of Wisconsin-Madison