On Thu, 18 May 1995, Jean-Marie Van Dyck wrote:
> In your breeding area, the next cases could happen :
> Dumped laying workers get in ...
>  1/ a nuc with queen cells and they destroy them !
This reminds me. .  .
We always (when we remember) put JZBZ cell protectors on queen cells as
soon as they are capped.  It saves a lot of grief -- ie. splits made, nucs
ready, or whatever, and then you go to get the cells to find them destroyed
due to a stray queen at the last minute.
I never hear this practice recomended.  Why?
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                        VE6CFK
Rural Route One   Swalwell   Alberta   Canada  T0M 1Y0
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Futures, Art & Honey:http://www.cuug.ab.ca:8001/~dicka