We have a perennial mint in our garden called (according to the
landscaper) *Elsholtzia sauntonii*  (??).  It vaguely resembles Monarda,
grows about 4' high, blooms late in the summer with dull purple flower
spikes that look a bit like caterpillars.  Bumblebees are CRAZY for
this plant.  Every night last season it was covered with sleeping bees.
A real draw.
Is anyone out there familiar with this plant?  It is not in our big fat
all-inclusive perennial book, and the landscapers do not answer their
It seems harmless ( I mean horticulturally) but from long experience I
know not to assume so.
Liz Day
[log in to unmask]   (that's Lday, not ONEday)
Indianapolis, IN, USA