On Wed, 10 May 1995, Andreas Kasenides wrote:
> I would be very interested in hearing from bee keepers what they use for swarm prevention
> methods. In particular methods that do not need too much messing with the hive would be extra
> interesting since (as I described in the past) our local bees have an attitute of attacking whatever
> attempts to open the hive.
We don't use any.
That is if you don't count supering high and early, and being sure not to
crowd the hives at any point early in the season.
Or if you don't count requeening any poor colonies or making splits from
the stronger ones in the spring to delay 'peaking' and to discourage
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                        VE6CFK
Rural Route One   Swalwell   Alberta   Canada  T0M 1Y0
Email:   [log in to unmask]    or   [log in to unmask]
Futures, Art & Honey:http://www.cuug.ab.ca:8001/~dicka