Pumping while nursing works well.  Babies are so much cuter and sweeter than
noisy machines!  I advise moms to start pumping about 2 weeks before they return
to work to stock their freezers and remove the pressure from those first
stressful days away from baby.  The other thing I recommend is that moms wake up
an hour before they really need to, wake the baby, and doze while nursing.  Then
she can shower and dress without worrying about a hungry babe.  I advise she
nurse again before leaving or at the sitter's.
        I also think that the choice of breastpump is important.  Not every
(quality) pump will work for every mother.  Some cannot pump well with a Lactina
or Lact-e Lite whereas they have no difficulty with the full size/weight pumps
of the same brand.  I do not beleive pump co. claims that the lighter pumps are
as effective as the heavier, I have seen too many women have difficulty with the
lighter pumps which resolved when they traded it in for the original Classic or
        Catherine Watson Genna, IBCLC