Jan, I heard Jan Riordan (I think) a few years ago talking about Gentian Violet
and her caution was not about the stuff being carsinogenic so much as having the
potential to burn the inside of the baby's mouth if used too strongly or more
than once or twice.Check out Riordan and Auerbach p. 386 for precautions on

Kathleen, the biggest problem I had with "creatively constructed" kits came from
when Dad would whip out his trusty-dusty pocket knife (from his front pants
pocket) and cut off the ends of the tubes so he could connect as many parts as
possible. My husband says it is a "male" thing to carry pocket knives and not
accept leftover parts!!<grin> This is better now that Medela sells kits just for
the Lactinas in addition to the universal ones for Lactinas and Classics.

Melissa Vickers, IBCLC
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