This topic is one of my most frustrating topics.  In our hospital as well as
area, we have at least 95% circ rate.  The vast majority of pedi and FP docs
who perform circs do not use any kind of anesthesia or even post-operative
pain control.  Who else do we perform minor surgery on and not bother with
pain control?!?

I see breastfeeding babies react in one of two ways.  They either cry
unconsolably or they shut down and go to sleep...both ways to deal with the
pain.  I often feel like the sole advocate for these little guys when I fuss
about pain control for them.  Sure doesn't seem to do any good.  Has anyone
lobbied for better circ situations in their hospital??

BIRTH March 1995 has an excellent commentary by several physicians on circ's
not being performed without anesthesia.  I posted it in several visible
locations in the newborn nursery for staff to see--it disappeared in less
than 24 hours!

So I continue to march on for the rights of babies.....
Kathy Parkes, RN, IBCLC