It seems inappropriate or unhelpful to me to measure a woman's estrogen
level 6 days postpartum when hormones are in such flux. Plus, I would
expect a breastfeeding mother to have "low estrogen" since lactation is a
relatively hypoestrogenic state.

Lactation can either improve or worsen migraines for migrainers, both in
terms of frequency of attacks and severity during an attack. This is true
for pregnancy as well. What you describe is a different issue, though
perhaps related, of breastfeeding triggering a migraine. This I have
heard of also but cannot tell you the mechanism or provide

What about propranolol for migraine prophylaxis? It is excreted in breast
milk, peak concertrations occuring 2-3 hrs after dosing, but the Am
Academy of Pediatrics considers it to be compatible with breastfeeding.
Elizabeth Williams, MD, MPH
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On Tue, 18 Apr 1995, Yaffa Stark wrote:

> Had a mom cancel a consultation appt. today.  This is baby #2 - baby is 6 days
> old. Mom claims that with last baby she got terrible migraine headaches from
> bfing.  Went to lots of docs and ended up at a pain control center.  She says
> the doc there is very pro bfing but after testing found her to have low
> estrogen.  She tells me that the doc said that is from bfing, so migraines are
> coming from bfing.  She quit with baby #1 after 7 weeks.  This new baby has
> chewed up her nipples as did the first baby and our appointment was to work on
> correct latch-on and positioning so nipples would heal and she could bf.  Now
> the headaches have come and she is pumping which she is willing to try for a
> while.  She will be seeing her pain doc again next week.  Has anyone got any
> knowledge or info on migraines - estrogen - bfing?
> Yaffa Stark
> **************************
> Yaffa Stark, MA, IBCLC
> Los Angeles, CA
> [log in to unmask]
> Remember, breastfeeding should not hurt!
> ******************************************