>To Wendy,
>   Except for the preganancy part, you and I are pretty much in the same
boat. It is a struggle to provide good LC care, and yes, pump rentals do
take less time and emotional outlay.  My three year old Sally is very very
proficient at breast pumps too, and let's everyone know it. My seven year
old is the one who usually says "Now, don't leave it in an open car because
one has been stolen, and it is worth $550." SO EMBARASSING, but I guess they
have heard it ad nauseum, and feel like helping me <G>.

The balance is that we all have to find the place where we can meet our own
family's needs, and still do a little work.  Every day, I remember, I have a
3 year old now, and next year there will be another ILCA conference, but
chances are good that I will never have another 3 year old. Guess which is
more important to me? <G>


Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC
Williston, Vermont USA
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