Early and frequent pumping following premature birth is very important in
establishing a milk supply when baby and mother are separated.  I have
found that 8/24 hrs is a minimum for adequate supply. Mothers in our area
who are routinely told (usually by NICU nurses who are not aware of the
effects of the advice) to pump "up to 5 times a day" usually find they get
no milk within a week or two of starting a pumping regimen that is so
infrequent. I ask the mothers I work with to aim for a "goal" of 8 times/24
hours, two of which should occur between 9PM and 6AM (to take advantage of
increases in prolactin in the late evening early AM hours). These moms do
MUCH better and seem aslo to gain confidence in themselves and their
ability to make milk for the baby, something only they can offer. It
translates into later confidence in getting baby to breast.

         %%  Kathleen G. Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC    %%
         %%        Lactation Services            %%
         %%        Homewood, Illinois            %%