Hello all.  I am Susan Jehle Johnson, (Rutland HS '94, Bennington College
'68) LLL member since '70, Leader since '76, MA Inst. of NLP Master
Programmer '82, IBCLC since '92, mother of:
Adam (DOB '70, CVU '89, UVM '93 Computer Science, Denver CO area)
April (DOB '73, CVU '91, "MRS."'92 SMC '98, Burlington, VT)
Peter (DOB '78, CVU '96, happily still chez nous in Williston, VT.)
        Once married to Andrew W. Johnson, now with long term partner Ken
Blake.  (There must be others of you who go far back in LLL, as well,
therefore these details, 'cause my name's so "basic.") Last year I helped
the daughters of both my first LLL Leaders breastfeed.  Talk about
investments paying off!)
        I have worked as a home visiting Lactation Advisor for Care
Connection (a branch of our Visiting Nurses Association) since '90, and
have been teaching BF classes for Expectations (another branch of our VNA)
since '92.  I also take LC cases for Lactation Resources of VT.  With
fellow colleagues founded the Vermont Lactation Consultant Association,
which co-sponsors, with VNA, annual Birth & BF conferences in Burlington
        I am an avid networker -- just love to get folks together with
resources, interests, etc., so Lactnet's a boon.  (Thanks, Kathleen!)  Just
need to create sensible files to store & retrieve useful tidbits easily.  I
have a whole file just for intro's, so I can look back and "meet" you at
will.  -- Susan Jehle Johnson  [log in to unmask]