I have grave concerns about taking the "medical protocol" to induce
lactation in nulliparous prospective adoptive mothers and applying to other
women. I personally do not agree re: the safety/appropriateness of the
protocol presented at the ILCA Conference by the physician from Scottsdale.
I have heard from other LCs that the MD now has reservations about having
shared it. Furthermore (and probably more to the point), his "success" rate
appears to be no higher than that obtained when adoptive women simply put
their babies to breast, making sure that food is available (usually via SNS
or similar device) and help the baby to feel "at home," considering any
milk produced a delightful bonus, not the primary means of assessing

My own experience with adoptive nursing mothers is that expectations
pertaining to milk production get in the way of the attachment
(psychological) process and is, for most, unnecessary.

         %%  Kathleen G. Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC    %%
         %%        Lactation Services            %%
         %%        Homewood, Illinois            %%