Yaffa -
Re milk supply in mom - I agree with Kathleen that having the mom bf on cue
is much better than on a clock schedule as the baby is generally much more
effective on their time schedule rather than the clock schedule.  You might
want to try a weight before and after just to get a sense of the amount she
is taking at a feed.  When she pumps after a feed, is she getting anything?
 Is the baby leaving something in the breast?  I'm not sure that pumping
directly after a feed is really effective, especially if the mom doesn't get
much because the baby is generally more effective than the pump, and will get
more than the pump can.  Milk supply is related to how much milk is taken out
of the breast, not just nipple stim.  Waiting at least an hour after the
feeds will increase satisfaction with pumping and amount of milk removed,
thereby increasing milk supply.  You can always use the supplementer to feed
that milk back to the baby.  I haven't heard of wedging either....

Karen -

Is the baby just stooling only every 10 days or is there a drop in milk
production?  Stooling that infrequently at that age is not necessarily an
indication that anything is wrong with milk supply.  I couldn't tell from
your post if there was a concurrent drop....  If there is a drop, I too would
suspect the pill; if the baby is still getting enough milk and just isn't
stooling, I wouldn't worry about it.
Of course, a weight check is always in order just to make sure.....


It certainly is exciting to see how Lactnet has grown, and I feel as though
we are all learning so much.  OK, guys - now how do we get CERPS for all this
education?? ;)  <big G>

Jan B.
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