Note from Ann Calandro, RN, RNC, IBCLC:

My question of the day is this.  We have a baby in NICU ,born at 28 weeks, now
30 weeks gestation.  Mom has been pumping and getting about 8 ounces every 3
hours.  The baby takes 16 cc at a time!  A few days ago, mom was diagnosed with
nipple yeast and is now being treated with Nystatin and is feeling better.  The
baby is not yet at breast and has been getting K-care.  The MD says the baby has
yeast infection in her eyes, but not her mouth so is getting eye treatment.  MD
feels baby got the yeast in her eyes by being skin to skin with mom.  Now is
withholding K_CAre til symptoms are gone, and has recommended tossing lots of
milk. Mom is adamant that she will only toss the milk from the 2 days that she
had symptoms of burning at the nipples and will not discard any more. She has
been treated for 2 days now and is feeling lots better, so what should I
recommend?  The MD says that we can culture the milk for yeast and see if it is
contaminated before feeding it to the baby by tube.  Any thoughts?Baby is
progressing and growing well, still in an isolette but just room air and no
further medical problems.
  I am so glad to be able to have Lactnet and to be able to communicate with
other LCs.  And I am glad to be able to meet you at last!  Happy April!      Ann
Calandro, Waxhaw, N.C.