NUTRASWEET???  Is there not some danger of the bees then producing
artificial honey?!  Though come to think of it, there is probably a
market for that....
On Sat, 1 Apr 1995, Dave Green, Eastern Pollinator Newsletter wrote:
>     Well, we just had a wreck upstate and we went up and bought a
> tractor-trailer load of NutraSweet at salvage prices.  We've been really tickl
> ed at the bargain brought about by someone else's misfortune, but then we got
> to thinking:  Will NutraSweet hurt the bees?  Anybody with any experience, or
> would like to comment?
                                                 (@ @)
Ken Umbach ----------------------------------ooOo-( )-oOoo------
California State Library -- California Research Bureau
900 N Street, Suite 300 -- Sacramento, CA 95814 (916-653-6002)
Opinions expressed above are NOT to be considered those of my
employer.  Frankly, I have my doubts that they are even my own.