Bee-List Readers,
I have a quick question concerning the effectiveness of hive top feeders,
in particular those resembling shallow supers.  I have a few of these that
I have made, modeled after those sold commercially.  However, everytime I
have tried to use them, the bees seem to ignore them.  If I use a standard
Boardman entrance feeder, the bees will take the syrup (without robbing).
So the question is, "Do the hive top feeders of this sort really work?"
And if they don't, why not?  Why would the bees ignore such a readily
available source of food?
I look forward to your responses.
Thanks in advance.
    Jeff Fagerman (x7903) --- Analytical Photogrammetry
    [log in to unmask]     ---     Software Development
    FAX: 205 730 9550     ---        PhotoScan, IMA, IMD
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit
within me.  Psalms 51:10