On Mon, 3 Apr 1995, Jerry Kennedy wrote:
> READERS: Any suggestions on where I might find more accurate
>  information regrading accurate locations of where the U.S. Army built their
> forts and garrisons (primarily southeast U.S./ 1800's)? It seems some  governm
>    t
> documents must
> provide this info but I have been unsuccessful in tracking such
> sources down . Early maps have not proven helpful.
> Thanks for any suggestions!
> |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
> |  Wm. Jerald Kennedy, Ph.D.  |  InterNet: [log in to unmask]     |
> |  Associate Professor        |                                    |
> |  Department of Anthropology |                                    |
> |  Florida Atlantic University|  SoBell: 407/367-2257              |
> |  Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991  |  Fax:    407/367-2744              |
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
There have been a number publications that tell you where U.S. military
posts were located--some provide more specific locations than others.
The best general publication is U.S., Adjutant General's Office, List of
Military Posts, etc. (Washington, DC: The Government Printing Office,
1902).  You can find citations to many other useful publications in my
United States Coast Defense, 1775-1950: A Bibliography (Washington, DC:
The Government Printing Office, 1985) and Military fortifications: A
Selective Bibliography (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992).  A variety
of records in the National Archives will also help you find the location
of U.S. military posts.  If you have any specific questions, feel free to
contact me.
Dale E. Floyd
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