><any>:[log in to unmask]
>Skip Stewart-Abernathy writes that Karl Steinen and others suggest that
>there is no difference between prehistoric and historic archaeology.
>As, I guess, one of the others, I don't think this is quite correct.
>What I (and I think some of the others) are saying is that, although
>there are differences, we remain, at the basic level, archaeologists.
>Yes, there are differences in the way sites are excavated and in the
>theoretical perspective we use to interpret the material AND
>documentary record.  But that is true even among "prehistorians"
>and "historians".  If I were a betting man (but I'm neither), I
>would wager that you might find as many differences within each
>group than between it.  Anyway, I appreciate all of the responses
>that came both directly to me and to the list; they have made
>me think about such topics in a new way.
>Dorothy Humpf
>Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
 Chester P. Bateman                        Email: [log in to unmask]
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