> To Scott and Histarch,  As long as we're discussing hiring decisions, has
> the Canadian university policy limiting access to jobs to Canadian citizens
> changed in recent years?  Fair tendering of positions would be served by
> making them truly open, it seems to me.  Might increase the pool of good
> candidates to serve the universities, departments, students, and
> disciplines.
I agree, but it really hasn't changed very much. It made me feel
rather strange that I can apply for a job at an American (or
British, etc...) institution and be considered equally with
others, while the same doesn't hold up here. In practise, and
given the nature of academia, departments that want to hire
foreign candidates can usually argue that they are simply the
best qualified, and this is almost always accepted; I know of no
recent challenges on those grounds. Personally, I'd like to see
the playing field levelled.