I have to take issue with Anita's comments regarding the lack of
academic jobs in HA.  I've watched the job market fairly closely for the last
ten-twelve years and I think this has been the best year _ever_ for advertised
 positions seeking historical archaeologists.  Off the top of my head I can
think of advertised jobs this year at the Universities of South Florida,
Southern Mississippi, South Carolina, California/Berkeley, and at the College
of St. Mary's in California.  Add Deetz filling a _new_ position at UVa and
the East Carolina job last year, the position added at Syracuse the year
before, and you are approaching a double handful, and I'm sure I'm forgetting
a few.  There was also the recent speech/article by some high ranking
official in the American Anthropological Association (again off the top of my
head) mentioning the expected rapid growth in faculty positions for
historical archaeologists and I'd say the future looks pretty rosy.
     I know this is cold comfort for the large number of very qualified
people in our field who have been working hard for years and years to make a
career as a professional, but it's just as bleak for most other social
science and humanities folks.
     Looking forward to hearing other comments...
                          Larry McKee