>                  I N T E R O F F I C E   M E M O R A N D U M
>                                        Date:     18-Apr-1995 03:23pm EST
>                                        From:     Thomas Langhorne
>                                                  TLANGHOR
>                                        Dept:
>                                        Tel No:   607-777-2332
>TO:  Remote RSCS/NJE Network User         ( _JNET%HISTARCH@ASUACAD )
>Subject: March issue of HA?
>         Does anyone know if the March issue of Historical Archaeology has
>    come out yet?  I was a bit tardy sending my dues this year and wanted
>    to make sure I hadn't missed an issue in the meantime.
>                                Thanks,
>                                Tom Langhorne
The first issure of the 1995 Historical Archaeology is out.  The
distribution labels were processed about two weeks before your dues arrived
at the SHA Business Office.  You issues of the journal and newsletter will
be mailed to you in the next 5-6 days.
Mike Rodeffer
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