Dear Kevin
I will send you the latest Bmail (April) to show your friend.
> A friend of mine is very interested in seeing the contents of
> your electronic magazine - could you send me a copy or a
> selection of pages so that he can see the type of content
> before investing cash and time in a modem and account etc. ?
> Thanks & Regards
> Kevin Millican
  *  Dr Pamela Munn                                            *
  *  Editor of Bee World, Associate Editor of J. Apic. Res.    *
  *  E.mail  :  [log in to unmask]   | Mail : IBRA             *
  *  Phone   :  (+44) 1222 372 409   |        18 North Road    *
  *  Fax     :  (+44) 1222 665 522   |        Cardiff CF1 3DY  *
  *                                  |        UK               *
  * If your mail is for someone else in IBRA I will pass it on *